February is the perfect time for a company event – organize it in Bubbles

During the winter months everyone should have a moment of relaxation. That is why February is a great time to organize a company event, during which colleagues will have the opportunity to take a rest from professional duties and get to know each other better, becoming a harmonious, thriving team. Bubbles is the perfect place for this type of meetings – a restaurant in Warsaw, where not only can we eat delicious dishes, but also have a drink of champagne.
The winter, gloomy atmosphere outside the window seems to make a difference to each of us. Lack of sunlight, ubiquitous coldness and frost cause that our mood is lowered, we become sluggish and we lack motivation. In this situation, any job can be a real challenge. Unfortunately, stress can cause a noticeable drop in the level of performing professional duties. And even for this reason it is worth making every effort to make the atmosphere in the office as warm as possible. An excellent way to achieve this goal is to organize a company event, during which employees will have the opportunity to take a rest from everyday problems, relax and get to know each other on neutral ground.
The word “event” is a relatively new term in our dictionary. In English, it means “a happening”, but Poles mainly use it as a synonym for a party. A company event is therefore a meeting that the employer organize for his employees. Its goal may be, for example, to thank the whole team for his work and contribution to business development, stress reduction or integration, that is building a strong, harmonious team. It is worth remembering that, although the short-term assumptions of such a meeting are, first of all, a pleasant time and good fun, in the long run it can realistically improve the results we achieve.
Of course, we can organize such an event in the workplace, but if we want to distract ourselves from everyday difficulties and point out that it is a private meeting, it is worth changing the surroundings a bit. The best place for a company event is, of course, a restaurant: a place designed for relaxation, serving tasty food and good liquors. A great choice will be Bubbles – a bar in the center of Warsaw, located near the major attractions of the capital city, such as the Saxon Garden, the Grand Theatre and the National Opera. The name of the restaurant directly refers to the famous alcoholic drink with bubbles, i.e. champagne. According to the philosophy of the place, champagne should not be the wine consumed only once in a blue moon – it holds good every day and suits every dish. Thanks to a glass of this delicious drink, the company event will become even more festive, worth remembering situation.
One of the most important stages of organizing an integration meeting is composing the menu. It is worth remembering that among our employees there may be people with different tastes, who follow special diets or struggle with allergies or food intolerances. If we have such a possibility, it’s worth asking members of the team what dishes they prefer. Thanks to this, we will maximize the chance that everyone will be satisfied, and the menu will actually suit their tastes. The safest solution, however, will be choosing a variety of dishes, among which everyone will find something for themselves. Let the menu include both meat and vegetable products, pastas, salads and desserts. Bubbles meets the expectations of its guests, offering a rich and varied catering offer that will satisfy both lovers of simple food and people with a very sophisticated palate.
Of course, participation in this type of event must be voluntary – it is difficult to perceive something as fun if we are forced to do so. Forcing employees to come to the event will certainly not bring the expected results. The trick is to make them feel like participating in it, and afterwards they can not wait for another one. If we have an additional budget, we can also decide to invite employees along with accompanying persons. Thanks to it, for all participants of the meeting, it will be easy to relax, and we will have the opportunity to get to know them in a slightly different, more private version.
Another way to introduce a looser, more informal atmosphere is to organize a thematic event. To do this, we must prepare a consistent style of the event: appropriate decorations, colors, and well-chosen dishes. If we think that our employees might like it, we can also decide on a fancy dress party. Of course, before we make such a decision, it is worth considering the age of the invited guests, their functions and the nature of the company. However, there’s no denying that funny costumes and decorations immediately introduce a positive mood, help guests to get into the fun and leave business matters behind the door.